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Tìm thấy  4  biểu ghi              Tiếp tục tìm kiếm :
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1 Legislating for the right of access to public information in Swedish and Vietnamese Law : Master's thesis / Nguyen Lan Huong; Supervisors: Dr. Bengt Lundell, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Cuu Viet . - Tp. Ho Chi Minh, 2009. - 60 p. ; 28cm. - Lundell, Bengt, Supervisors Nguyen, Cuu Viet, Prof, Supervisors
  • Thông tin xếp giá: C16220000105
  • 2 Legislating for the right of access to public information in Swedish and Vietnamese law : Master's thesis / Nguyễn Lan Hương; Super visors: Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Cửu Việt, Dr. Bengt Lundell . - Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, 2009. - 60 tr. ; 28cm. - Lundell, Bengt, Prof, Super visors Nguyễn, Cửu Việt, Prof, Super visors
  • Thông tin xếp giá: B14220000001, C16220000075, C16220000104, C16220000106
  • 3 Settlement of strike by collective bargaining and mediation under Vietnamese law - in comparision with the Swedish system : Master's thesis / Lê Huỳnh Phương Chinh; Super visors: Prof. Dr. Birgitta Nystrom, Dr. Trần Hoàng Hải . - Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, 2009. - 85 p. ; 28cm. - Nystrom, Birgitta, Prof, Super visors Trần, Hoàng Hải, Prof, Super visors
  • Thông tin xếp giá: A102200000030, A102200000034, B14210000797
  • 4 The effect of arbitration agreements under Vietnamese and Swedish law : Master's thesis / Phan Hoài Nam; Supervisors: Pro. Michael Bogdan, Pro. Mai Hồng Quỳ . - Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, 2008. - 35p. ; 28cm. - Mai, Hồng Quỳ Michael, Bogdan
  • Thông tin xếp giá: B14220000011, C16220000101, C16220000103